This morning Liane (my wife) and I were walking to the train when we noticed a little baby in his stroller with his feet sticking up in the air... Immediately Liane said "Hello Toes"... a saying that we both attribute to Sir Daniel Fortune. It was a touching moment. It's times like this that I remember back to my days of innocence and worry-free childhood. Oh... to live like that again.So, here's to all the toes out there. May we each wiggle them, giggle them and boogie like it's going out of style. Below is a link from a recent Atari Lionel Richie party. I encourage you to watch through 3:45. As you can see, I still have a little bit of love for Lionel in me...
Sir, thank you for the credit... but I believe the proper ownership of the landmark phrase belongs to one Liane Reid Baer. I was there, however. I believe the term I coined that trip was more to the effect of "Good Evening (said in a haughty tone while driving by children playing by the dirt road)". No offense was intended, of course.
I don't know why this phrase "hello toes" crakcs me up so much! I loved the tribute to toes everywhere. I'm looking at mine in a while new light :)
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