Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Blogging 101

Last night I was out to dinner with my friends Christa and Dan. Somehow, we got on the topic of blogging and Dan asked me if I've been reading Christa's blog. As a branding guy, I am ashamed to say that I didn't even notice the blog address perfectly displayed in her e-mail signature. Shows how unobservant I can be sometimes...

After logging onto my e-mail this morning, and linking to her site, I read her most recent entry about worrying. As a professional worrier, I felt compelled to comment. And then it hit me... I should create my own blog immediately. After all, how much longer will stephenbaer@blogspot be available?

So, here goes. Lady and gentlemen (notice the singular tense, as I don't expect more than two people to ever read this) welcome to my blog. Here within, I will comment on some of the most critical topics known to man, including:
- Lindsay Lohan
- Video Games
- Running Turtles
- Oberlin College
- My Family

I certainly encourage your feedback.

More to come,


Dan Fortune said...

You have inspired me to have a photo taken of me pointing to myself! Yet another innovation from the mastermind that brought us SoRetro.com and nationally-heralded catch phrases such as "Hello, Toes!"

Christa said...

Steve - what ever you have to say - say it loud and say it proud. Do you really say hello to your toes as Dan suggests in his post? I am laughing out loud about that one. :)